
January 1, 2011 is the first day of a new year, and the second year I will try to attempt to post a photo every day for the next 365 days. It didn't work out so well last year. But as a New Years resolution, I have decided to try the 365 Day Photography challenge again.

December 31, 2010

248/365 We Made It...Almost.

Well, I did not make it to the full 365 days...I have been away since the first week of September. I have been on adventure. I've been a little busy and didn't have all my equipment with me. I got a job in Niagara Falls New York and I was there for three months. I have since returned home to Michigan.

September 4, 2010

247/365 Like Father Like Son

Thom can not say that his son Eric isn't his.

September 3, 2010

246/365 The Next Door Neighbor's Horse

This is the next door neighbor's horse at my sister in laws. He is a cool horse and comes to the fence and will take apples out of your hand.

September 1, 2010

244/365 More Puppy Pictures

I can't help it I love these puppies and they are two weeks old today.

August 31, 2010

243/365 Hunting for Night Crawlers

Thom and Ashley decided that they wanted to go fishing tomorrow, but they needed night crawlers. So all day today, they were watering the front yard. The only thing they forgot, we haven't gotten much rain this summer and it's been in the higher 80's pushing 90 for weeks. The grass is so brown, that I haven't worried about even mowing. In fact, I haven't mowed in three weeks. So, basically the ground just soaked up the water and the worms didn't surface. If they had asked, I could have told them.

August 30, 2010

242/365 Are You Ready For Some Football...

I was walking though Walmart and seen this display of footballs and I couldn't resist. A son of one of our friends is on the DeWitt team and he said that he's on the field from 7am to 12pm and again from 3pm to 7pm everyday now until school starts after Labor Day. Wow, in 90 degree heat, is it any wonder some of these kids might be having a hard time?

August 29, 2010

241/365 Ashley's Baptism

Both Ashley and her Grandma-to-be Kat were baptized in our pastor's pool. Thom and I had the honor of baptizing Ashley. It's 90 degrees, I don't think anyone minded.

240/365 The Turner Dodge House

I was driving around taking pictures of Lansing and thought it might not be a bad idea to take pictures of places I love and remember as a child growing up.
This is one of the historical houses in Lansing. From 1954 to 1972, Great Lakes Christian College, was housed on these grounds. Great Lakes was where I did my undergraduate work.

August 28, 2010

239/365 Lansing at Dusk...

I am in an odd mood, so I guess this is why I like these pictures. I have two weeks before I leave for New York. I have been picking up and cleaning up. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere close to being ready to leave. I feel like I am leaving so much for Thom to do after I'm gone. He has the puppies, and the upkeep on the house. If we decide to sell, he has to do that alone also.

August 26, 2010

238/365 Sparty

I was driving around campus today taking pictures and I knew I needed to post a picture of Sparty. I think he is awesome. Michigan State is one of the prettiest campus' in the nation. I am bias. I will miss not being home, but at least I can come back and look at the pictures of home I have posted on this blog.

August 25, 2010

237/365 Carman...

With all the talk about Beebe's puppies, sometimes the others seem to get lost. I took this picture of Carman this morning when we were outside waiting for the others to do their thing. She just wanted to sat on my lap for just a minute. She is such a pretty girl. I still think she would make pretty puppies.

August 24, 2010

236/365 Puppies Six Days Old...

This is the pup I call Spotty. He was the biggest at birth. Now he weights 3/4 of a pound.
This is the one I call Browny. I started him on formula on day one. He now weighs in at 1/2 pound. He is little but I think he will be mighty.

August 23, 2010

235/365 Now We Have Two...

I am amazed at the size difference between the puppies. Spotty is normal size for a chihuahua puppy and Browny is half as big as his brother. I started Browny out on puppy formula the day he was born. Now he fights with me to feed him, he wants his momma. I will keep an eye on them both. I am happy I have gotten them this far. I am a little sad that I will not be here to see them as they grow, open their eyes and start really moving around and play. It may be better that I am not here in another 10 weeks when they are ready to be sold, I am very attached to both of them. I think it's great that we have gotten them this far. Thank you Jesus.

August 22, 2010

234/365 The Moth

This moth was just hanging out on the side of the church building. Josh seen it and wondered what it was. Thom and I have no idea. He is kind of pretty, the way the light plays on his wings.

August 21, 2010

233/365 The Ox Roast Parade

The Civil War Color Guard.
The police cars and fire trucks.
A little guy looking really happy about riding in the rain.
My friend Marilyn and her Red Hat Ladies group.
I love this lady's shirt. I agree.
One of the many walkers in the Ox Roast parade this year. This is an annual event for the city of DeWitt. I think it's been going on for at least 50 years. Well as long as I can remember. This may be the last time I can be at the parade, so we thought we should go. Even through it was raining. We had fun.

August 20, 2010

232/365 Clark and DeWitt Roads

I know this is a dumb posting. But my last name is Clark and we live in DeWitt... I haven't had a good day. We lost one of the puppies today. He was one who we never would have thought we would have lost. He was bigger and he was nursing ok. Then today he started sleeping a lot and not eating. It's been a sad day.
We think Beebe may not have enough milk. So we will pack on the pounds from now on.

August 19, 2010

231/365 Farmer's Market

I love this time of year. So many good things that God has given us. Horrock's is a giant Farmer's market on the west side of Lansing. This is one thing I will be looking for once I get settled in New York.

230/365 We Have Puppies Again...

Bebee had three this time. She lasted a day longer than the first time. Two out of the three are good size. The brown one is a little small and I am feeding him every two hours. She is getting mad now when I take him. I don't want to lose any of them.

August 17, 2010

229/365 Train Art

We were at the train station mailing a large item for Ebay. I was taking pictures of a train as it went by, this is what I got. I don't know what it says or what it means but it is very cool. They say that train art is very popular.

August 16, 2010

228/365 Josh and a Friend

I love this picture of our youth leader Josh and Corwin, son of a friend. Corwin has such a chubby face. This is pure joy.

227/365 God Created Sky

What a beautiful sky we had tonight. It's been way hotter this summer than I can remember. It's been the second hottest summer on record.

From January though July 2010, the average temp. has been 58.5 degrees. I guess it can be hot during the day, if God will make such beautiful skies at night. No, I don't believe in global warming.

August 14, 2010

226/365 My Dream Car...

Someday I will have one like this. I just found out that I got hired for a job in Niagara Falls, working for a good friend from the mission. It is a "God thing" because Thom and I have said that it feels like going home when we go to the Raz. We have been going to the mission now for the past seven years doing VBS and work weeks.

I will be working with the Native American Independent Living Services Western New York Independent Living Project, Inc. I will start September 13th.

I'm a little sad that I have to leave Michigan. I grew up in Michigan and lived here all my life. My kids are here and all our friends live here.

But with the economy the way is it, I have to go where the jobs are. A friend who went on the mission trip and her family are moving to Florida at the end of the month because they can't find jobs either.

It makes me angry that I can't find work close to home. But being in the Niagara Falls area, Thom and I will at least be with people who we think of as family.

August 13, 2010

225/365 One Big Cup of Coffee...

We were walking through Hobby Lobby today and came across this coffee cup. It's really a planter, but it made me think of one of my favorite drinks.

224/365 Bonfire

We had the youth group out tonight for a bonfire. There is something peaceful for me about a fire. Some people (Thom) can't be trusted not to make it so it can be seen from the space station.

August 11, 2010

223/365 What it's all About...

This is a cross in front of one of the area churches. My husband doesn't like this cross for two reasons he says. First, it's contemporary. Second, as Christians we believe Jesus Christ is no longer on the cross, he arose. I just like the cross as a photographic subject.

This is a theological discussion for another time.

August 10, 2010

222/365 Rolling on the River...

I was out and about and I stopped by the river by my house today. The Looking Glass lives up to it's name all the time. I think this a pretty river. We haven't had a lot of rain this summer, the river is low on the other side of the bridge you can see in the distance. Without the refection, I can see the bottom in front of me.

August 9, 2010

221/365 My Husband's Face

I like my husband's face. It has such character. He is such a character. I love just taking his picture in black and white.

August 8, 2010

220/365 My Kids

219/365 Larry, Moe and Curly...sort'a

Liz, Patty and Marisa came out to the house for pizza and bonfire tonight. They got out the mini bike that our son Matt owned. They said they were going to ride it. It hadn't been started in two years. Well, after all three getting bumped off it, running into trees and generally hurting themselves, all three rode it. It was interesting. I stayed off it, I knew I would hurt myself.

August 6, 2010

218/365 At The Lake

Thom and I went to Alward Lake with friends to do some fishing. This is a small lake about 10 miles north of Lansing. It's small but it's pretty. We didn't catch anything we could keep but it was fun to get away.

August 5, 2010

217/365 Mini Cooper

I ran across this little car while shopping today. I had to take a picture of it because it's yellow. They are just too small for my taste. I would not feel comfortable in one. I don't think they even have a back seat. I think they look like an accident waiting to happen. I don't care for them.

I have a feeling my next car, whatever it turns out to be, will be yellow. I have taken a lot of pictures of yellow cars this past couple weeks.

August 4, 2010

216/365 Hollyhocks and The Bee...

I think it's very cool to watch the bees do their thing around and in the Hollyhocks. I am very thankful that the bees are doing their job, we have every color you can think of in our back yard because of the bees.

August 3, 2010

215/365 Good to The Last Drop...

Beebe is very good at cleaning out the Biggby cups every time. She's not afraid to get right down in there to the bottom of the cup. She's the only one who will put her head down to the bottom. The funny part is, when she's done she has all the sticky stuff on the side of her head that the others then will help to clean off for her. It was not coffee, thank goodness, or she would get hype.

August 2, 2010

214/365 Just a Relaxing Evening

We stopped at the bookstore this evening to pick up a magazine, and I seen this lady. She looked like she didn't have a care in the world. I had to take her picture. She looked so peaceful. I think it looks really cool in black and white. I was in that mood.

When did life become so busy that I stopped taking time to look through some good books? I loved spending hours in bookstores and libraries when I was growing up. I wasn't a good reader and I couldn't spell, so getting lost in the shelves was my idea of fun.

I realize as I've gotten older, I need to spend some quiet time surrounded by my friends again.

August 1, 2010

213/365 Beautiful Butterfly

I love my Nikon Coolpix L100. I have never been able to get this close to anything in nature.

I haven't seen a lot of butterflies lately. He/she was just flying from tree to tree. After it stopped, it would open it's wings. I am told that is it's way of cooling down. I wish I was faster, I could have gotten a better picture.

July 31, 2010

212/365 Yellow VW

We were at the bookstore this afternoon and I seen this VW. I have always loved VWs and yellow is my favorite color for these cars. I do like the older bugs better, but this one will do just fine.