
January 1, 2011 is the first day of a new year, and the second year I will try to attempt to post a photo every day for the next 365 days. It didn't work out so well last year. But as a New Years resolution, I have decided to try the 365 Day Photography challenge again.

March 31, 2011

90/365 Feeding Time

My husband and I love to take rides in the evening with our dogs looking for deer. These pictures were taken out of my front window of across the road. For the last week a group of at least 10, have been feeding every night. They are about 300 yards from the road, thank goodness for a telephoto lens.

March 30, 2011

89/365 Papers, Papers Everywhere...

On our daily run, we stopped at the post office to mail a package. I stayed in the car to listen to the radio and this is what I saw. I liked all the different colors of the newspaper boxes, so I decided to take a photo of the them. I think it turned out well. They reminded me of colorful houses all in a row.

March 29, 2011

88/365 The Good Old Days When

...we owned music that wasn't on our computers.

March 28, 2011

87/365 We Going To Miss This...

We sold Uno yesterday. They will be 8 weeks old tomorrow. We will be getting their puppy shots this week. We have a couple who fell in love with Uno and will be picking him up on the 15th April. At least we haven't had them for 6 months and then sell them, after we have totally fallen in love with them. This is a business...at least this is what we keep telling ourselves.

March 27, 2011

86/365 More Bounce To The Ounce

I found this metal sign at an antique store we visited today. I like diet Pepsi, so I took the picture to use it here. I am told these were popular in the 1960's. I don't remember them but...

March 26, 2011

85/365 Old Gold and Lucky Strikes...

My husband is at it again. He bought more old cigarettes from the 1940's. I just think it's cool to see these "blast from the past". I remember Lucky Strikes. I had an uncle who smoked those. I don't remember Old Golds, which doesn't mean anything.

March 25, 2011

84/365 Tucker, Tucker, Tucker...

I was playing around with my Photoshop Elements and come up with this picture of Tucker. I am learning how to use it and to see what I can do. I went a little crazy, but I think it turned out kinda cool. It's different but I like it.

March 24, 2011

83/365 Frosty Morning Walkaround

I love frosty mornings with the trees and bushes covered in ice.

March 23, 2011

82/365 Seven Weeks and Going Strong...

These guys are getting so big. They are starting to look like puppies and not little blobs of fur. They are now starting to eat cottage cheese and baby food meat. They want to be out of the playpen when they are awake. They are chasing mom and big brother Rocky around and playing with Aunt Carman. They are starting to use the potty pads, on their own.
Beebe has started to wean them anyway. They will be getting their first baby shot next week. They will be ready to go the first week of April.

March 22, 2011

81/365 Back in the Day

I was looking around the house for something to photogragh and I came across all these old whiskey bottles and this 1940's Old Gold cigarette pack that Thom had. I took the group in color but it didn't look right. So I changed to sepia and I was surprized and very happy when the picture turned out looking like something from the Old West.

March 21, 2011

80/365 The Spring Dance

At the park today by my house, these two were doing what appeared to be a dance. I didn't know that wood ducks and white ducks mated, but I guess the dance was on. Thom and I stopped and watched for about 15 minutes. There was another white duck that the wood duck drove away. We just thought it was interesting.

March 20, 2011

79/365 The Granddog is Back

Rocky is back, if only for the week. Our daughter-in-law and granddaughter left to visit family in Florida this morning. Travis is working 10 hour days and doesn't think it's fair to leave Rocky in his cage that long. So, we get to "dog set" for the week. Then we can send him home to his "parents", after we have spoiled him all week.

March 19, 2011

78/365 A Boy and His Dog...

This is Travis and Rocky at play. Rocky has been living with Travis and Becky now for about a month. Travis called him a rat when they first adopted him. Now at least Travis is calling Rocky a dog. It's a start.

March 18, 2011

77/365 The Beatles...Duh!

Thom and I went to St. Lewis and Breckenridge Michigan to antique shops on a buying trip today and found this picture. Actually, it was a plastic bag that some vendor wanted $5.00. I said I liked the bag but not the price. So I took the picture. I think it turned out good.

March 17, 2011

76/365 Days Gone By...

While we were out and about, we came across this scooter. I guess it has been there awhile because of the grass that has grown up around it. I thought it looked lonely.

March 16, 2011

75/365 Brownie is on His Way...

This is Sue and Brownie. She bought him and he is now on his way to his new "forever" home. She is my new hero. Sue is a nice person who is not only giving Brownie a new home but because her sister-in-law couldn't really afford to pay full price for him, choose to pay for him as a gift. Sue's sister-in-law Pam seen Brownie last weekend and fell in love with him. Pam said she wanted him not only because "he's so darn cute" but because she realized that he was born on the day that her father passed away last August. She knew that she had to have him. Pam emailed me on Monday and asked if I would take less for him and I gave her a quote. I guess Pam was heart broken when she got my email. She told her sister-in-law Sue she couldn't afford him. Sue knew how much Pam wanted Brownie so Sue decided that she would buy him. What a neat lady. We are so happy that Brownie will be going to such nice people. It was hard to let him go for Thom and I because he was our "miracle" pup. He was the runt and I had to hand feed him for the first five days of his life. Then the dogs, Brownie and his brother Rocky were Thom's only company most of the time while I was in New York for two months last year. So not being able to sell them until they were six months old, we both became very attached to both the pups. We started out wanting to breed chihuahuas because they are just the greatest dogs. We also love the breed and wanted to share with others these great little dogs. The only problem is...we seem to fall in love with every new little one we have. Now we have Uno and Ocho who are six weeks old and we have fallen for them too. They too will be going to their new "forever" homes soon. Business is business, but we love them anyway. Brownie will be living in Baldwin Michigan.

March 15, 2011

74/365 Eleven O'Clock, Tuesday Morning...

I just got of the shower and this is what I see...Thom asleep with four dogs. All looking so peaceful. Life is good.

March 14, 2011

73/365 My Husband...

Today is my husband's birthday. He's.... He will not tell you. I love this man with all my heart. He is a good Christian man who loves the Lord. It is a blessing to have him in my life.

March 13, 2011

72/365 We Have a Boy...

My daughter Patty is pregnant. She is due August 5th. I took a picture of the ultra sound picture...that's not cheating.

March 12, 2011

71/365 Scooby Doo's is Back

The ice cream shop in downtown DeWitt is open for the season. It's fun just to gather with old friends for an ice cream or maybe a hot dog and a coke. Don started Scooby Doo's in 2000 as a way to be with and work with his sons after school and in the summer. He has been collecting Scooby Doos about that long.

March 11, 2011

70/365 My Mustang

My 1993 Mustang. Thom has wanted me to sell it for 2 years and I have tried. For whatever reason it just will not sell. I want to keep it. If I ever get a job, I can get it back on the road.

March 10, 2011

69/365 Cisco

Have you ever had one of those days when you don't feel good or you're just tired and taking a picture is the last thing on your mind? This is one of those days. He was there and I knew I needed a picture so here we are. He is willing and I am feeling kinda lazy. I just realized that most of my pictures center around dogs...duh?

March 9, 2011

68/365 Five Weeks and Counting...

Not much longer and they will be ready to go to their new "forever" homes. They are moving around and trying to eat their mother's cottage cheese. Uno and Ocho are just plain cool puppies.

March 8, 2011

67/365 Lifetime of Embarrassment or Pleasure...

"Most things in life are moments of pleasure and a lifetime of embarrassment; photography is a moments of embarrassment and a lifetime of pleasure." - Tony Benn

March 7, 2011

66/365 Have Horse...

Our neighbor's horses are out feeding when it's warm and not. I love these guys and they're friendly also. If you have enough apples, they will let you take their pictures all day long.

March 6, 2011

65/365 Happy 2nd Anniversary

Our friends, Joe and Linda Rush celebrate the 2nd anniversary of their ministry. They took an old, rundown building in the innter city and in two years, they have built a new mission. God Bless.

March 5, 2011

64/365 Swan on the Grand River

We live in an odd area. We have the Grand River that flows thur the downtown and then runs slowly, until the Red Cedar merges into it and on across the state to Lake Michigan to the west. The river runs just fast enough that the middle never freezes. Thom and I were out today and seen this swan in the river by the zoo. It looked so peaceful.

March 4, 2011

63/365 Only in Michigan...

Did you hear the one about the camel and the llama... These guys live just up the road from us. I thought camels only lived in the desert. This farm also has a donkey. They all seem to be doing fine. You drive by and they all run up to the fence. Odd but sweet.

March 3, 2011

62/365 Brownie Update

Our little Brownie. I sometimes think he really misses his brother Rocky. We visited Rocky last weekend and he is doing well. They are now 6 months old.

March 2, 2011

61/365 Uno and Ocho at 4 Weeks

Our little guys are getting so big. Ocho (left) and Uno (right) now have their eyes open and starting to walk around. Soon we will start to wean them and they will start getting into their mother's food. This is when having puppies are fun.

March 1, 2011

60/365 Palmallo

I know it looks like grapefruit or an orange but it's a palmallo. It's a cross between a grapefruit and a plume. (?) My husband likes to try new and different foods. This is one that I liked.