
January 1, 2011 is the first day of a new year, and the second year I will try to attempt to post a photo every day for the next 365 days. It didn't work out so well last year. But as a New Years resolution, I have decided to try the 365 Day Photography challenge again.

June 30, 2010

181/365 Old Coffee Pots

These old coffee pots are from another one of my husband's collections. These old coffee pots sat on the top of the stove and don't plug in.

June 29, 2010

180/365 A View From the Front Steps

I was out with the dogs this morning and I was trying to take a picture of dew on the grass. I had the camera on the sidewalk and I was taking pictures, when Beebe walked by and bumped the camera. She turned it around. I saw this bunch of stones that we have along our sidewalk so I took a picture to see how it would turn out. It's better than the grass I was trying to take.

June 28, 2010

179/365 Mars Attack

No, it's only Lauren being Lauren. She was showing me her new swimming gaggles. She is really a fish from the planet Neptune.

June 27, 2010

178/365 Playing Bones

Josh is our Youth Pastor at church. You throw the red bones to knock the row of white bones down for score. It's a group game that can be played by all ages.

June 26, 2010

177/365 Fireworks For Sale...

It's illegal to sell fireworks in Michigan. Two weeks before July 4th, there are tables, tents in parking lots, and big monkeys on tops of buildings advertising fireworks on every street corner. What's wrong with this picture?

June 25, 2010

176/365 Playing Bball...

I was on my way to an appointment, and seen these guys playing a friendly game of basketball. This is what summer's all about. It's about getting out and kicking some...

June 24, 2010

175/365 Working Real Hard...

I drove by this guy and it wasn't anywhere near a break time. Our tax dollars go to fixing city of Lansing streets and this guy is on the phone with his feet up. Can you tell I am not happy?

June 23, 2010

174/365 Playing Sick...

Ashley and I took Thom into the E.R. because we thought he broke the ring finger on his left hand. While he was in x-ray, Ashley thought she would get comfortable and watch some tv. Some people will do anything just to control the remote. It was his gout again.

June 22, 2010

173/365 Holly Hocks

These are the Holly Hocks that grow wild in our back yard. We have a lot of different colors. We have deep red, white, dark pink and a lighter pink. A lady at church says no matter what color she plants, her's always come up white. She thinks it might be her water. I don't know.

June 21, 2010

172/365 Beaumont Tower

We were riding around the Michigan State University campus and I have always wanted to take a picture of Beaumont. I didn't go the State but I always loved the buildings.

June 20, 2010

171/365 Happy Father's Day

This is what he's been doing most of the day...sleeping. It's his day, I don't mind.

June 19, 2010

170/365 A Stack of CDs

This is a simple stack of CDs. I thought the pattern was just fun. Again a person in my family, Patty this time, thinks I'm crazy.

June 18, 2010

169/365 The New Camaro

I'm not sure if I like the look of the new Camaro. I like old cars. To me, the new Camaro looks like a Mustang on steroids. I'm just saying...

June 17, 2010

168/365 The Lazy Days of Summer

Thom and I were watching a softball game tonight and had walked by this row of picnic tables. I thought the pattern was interesting...Thom thought I was nuts.

June 16, 2010

167/365 Tiger Lilies

I stopped for coffee today, at Biggby's in Lansing and found all these tiger lilies growing in front of the building. The owner said she had too many and wanted to move some. I said I would take some if she wanted to give them to me. She has three different colors and I think they are beautiful.

June 15, 2010

166/365 A Lazy Afternoon

I was out and about and past by this horse farm today. There were a number of horses out enjoying a lazy afternoon. It looked so peaceful like they didn't have a care in the world.

June 14, 2010

165/365 What Is It?

It's the inside of the lens cap of my new camera. In a weird way when I first seen this picture, I thought it looked like the inside of the Death Star from Episode IV of Star Wars.

June 13, 2010

164/365 Lilacs...

We have a lilac bush growing next to the house. They are in full bloom and smell good too.

When I hit the spell check I got a whole list of synonym for the word lilac. I was amazed at the list like pale purple, amethyst, lavender, pale purple, mauve, violet... They are all verbs and are for the color and not the noun for the flower itself. I think this is odd.

June 12, 2010

163/365 Working At The Car Wash...

We had our car wash for our mission trip today. Our Sara, who we call Chi Chi was working the street. I think she war the hat so no one would know who she was. Wait, she's from the Ann Arbor area. We love the hat.

162/365 Pillow Pet

We have our own Pillow Pet in Carman. She sets on the back of the couch and she becomes your headrest. She doesn't seem to mind.

June 10, 2010

161/365 Catch Them While They're Hot

I know, "where's the beef...". This just makes me want to grill everything in the freezer.

160/365 The Big Lug...

This is the mascot of the Lansing Lugnuts baseball team.

June 8, 2010

159/365 Sleeping Children

This is a friend of our's little boy Adam. He and Thom were both asleep at the time, but Thom would have been mad had I taken his picture when he was suppose to be babysitting.

June 7, 2010

158/365 W. C. Deer...

If you look closely, this guy seems to have a big nose. When I seen this picture, it made me think of W.C. Fields. I have an odd sense of humor.

June 6, 2010

157/365 Here's Your Sign...

I think this sign says it all.

June 5, 2010

156/365 49' Studebaker Truck

I was driving home from an appointment today and seen this truck. If you have seen many of my postings, you will notice I have a "thing" for restored vehicles. I think this one is awesome. This truck is so will done, it's a work of art. It had just stopped raining, but that's ok. I didn't know if I would get another chance to take a picture.

June 4, 2010

155/365 Michigan State...?

My son bought me this shirt a couple years ago at a Jewish synagogue in East Lansing. I graduated from a Christian college so I took the shirt to the professor who teaches Hebrew and asked what it said. He said that it did indeed say Michigan State in Hebrew. I thought it was kind of cool. I wore this shirt today and remembered what it said.

Now when Israel is in the news for defending themselves against their Arab neighbors, those of us who are Christian need to send our prayers and support. This nation was founded on Jewish-Christian principles. God wants us to protect and defend Israel. If we are not as a nation supporting Israel, we will be lost.

The shirt is gray but I took the picture in the car waiting for my husband.

June 3, 2010

154/365 A Champion

Our buddy Lauren after her swim meet last night. She took first place in the "4/25 free style". She bumped her forehead on the first turn but went on to win. She has a "goose egg" to prove it, as you can see in the first picture her upper left. It was starting to purple. She is a Champion.

June 2, 2010

153/365 Mums A'blooming...

Imagine my surprise when I was out with the dogs this morning to find my mums in full bloom. I have a bush next to the house and it's going crazy. I love the dew on the pedals.

June 1, 2010

152/365 A Simple Trip to The Market...

Who knew? We were just on a simple trip to the market and I seen these red peppers. I thought they looked so good, as a photo subject that is.

151/365 It's Not All About Me...

As we were walking through an antique store today, I came across this flag material. It made me stop for a moment and think about what this day really means. Man and woman servicing and some dying for the flag and this country. My dad was in the navy in World War I (I had old parents), and my husband serviced during Vietnam. I am humbled.

I am sad to think that sometimes we only seem to honor those who gave their all, one day a year. We should be honoring those who fought and died so we could be free every day.
So when we are out on the lake or at family gatherings or vacationing in Chicago, we should be thinking about the people who gave us the ability to do these things. On this Memorial Day let's remember those who died for our freedom.