
January 1, 2011 is the first day of a new year, and the second year I will try to attempt to post a photo every day for the next 365 days. It didn't work out so well last year. But as a New Years resolution, I have decided to try the 365 Day Photography challenge again.

August 20, 2011

232/365 Good bye Buddy

This was a sad day for me. We sold Cisco to a nice family in Lansing. The eleven year old daughter wanted him. She called last week to see if he was still available and I said yes. Mom called last night and asked so many questions then thanked me and said they would pass on buying him. This morning the daughter called and said they had changed their minds and still wanted him. He will be so much happier because he never did very well with the puppies or other male dogs. Now he is the only dog and will get all the attention, which is what he always liked.

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