
January 1, 2011 is the first day of a new year, and the second year I will try to attempt to post a photo every day for the next 365 days. It didn't work out so well last year. But as a New Years resolution, I have decided to try the 365 Day Photography challenge again.

August 31, 2011

243/365 Weird and Wonderful...

I seen this strange sight tonight on my way to store. It looked like a water towel on it's way somewhere and the crew stopped to check directions. I took like five pictures of this and thought this was the most interesting. I like the different point of view. Photography books tell you to look at everyday items with new eyes.

August 30, 2011

242/365 Baby Feet...

I think my grandson's feet are cute. He's three weeks old.

August 29, 2011

241/365 Daisies All in a Row

Our friend Betty has a bunch of daisies next to her fence. It's just a little patch but that gives just a little color among the green grass. I like the way the shadow of the other flowers helped to make this one just a little different color from the rest.

August 28, 2011

240/365 One of God's Little Ones...

Layla is soo cute. Thom is her special buddy. When it's time to go to junior church downstairs, she comes over to where we are setting and grabs Thom's little finger and takes him down. She is so proud to show off the "God" visor she made.

August 27, 2011

239/365 Reflection of a Classic

I seen this restored yellow Chevy pick up on my way to get coffee this morning. The truck is very cool but I noticed the reflection in the window in front of it. I thought it was kind of a different point of view that would make an interesting picture. Call me weird.

August 26, 2011

238/365 Getting Ready for the Big Day...

Every Labor Day weekend, a lot of people will start on the Thursday before to bike to the Mackinac Bridge. It's about 300 miles from Lansing. The state has an annual walk across the bridge on Saturday being led by the governor. Let's see if Rick Snyder will walk.

August 25, 2011

237/365 Deer Sighting

It was so cool to just come around a corner just outside of Lansing and see this guys. We go for rides to look for deer a couple times a week. We were on our way home from store. It's amazing, you never know where you will see them. These were just standing and eating in someones front yard as we drove by. There were five altogether, two does and three babies.

August 24, 2011

236/365 Hot Rod...

My husband and I went to the mall after prayer meeting tonight and seen this car. Thom said it was a Ford, I said it was cool. It almost looks like a face or a cowboy hat. I see different things than other people.

August 23, 2011

235/365 Two of My Favorite Guys...

Thom finally got to see Parker awake today. He was thrilled to hold him and feed him. Thom was making funny noises at Parker and he was cooing and talking to grandpa. It's only been two weeks since he was born. Any other time we been to see him, he been asleep.

August 22, 2011

234/365 Hands

My grandson's hands are so small. They amaze me. Parker was asleep when I took this picture. I want to remember how little he is.

August 21, 2011

233/365 Sweet Boy...

Micah is my friend Linda's grandson. He was at church today and grandma was in the choir when Micah woke up from his nap. I was setting behind him and when he started crying, I picked him up. I rocked him and he went back to sleep. What a great guy.

August 20, 2011

232/365 Good bye Buddy

This was a sad day for me. We sold Cisco to a nice family in Lansing. The eleven year old daughter wanted him. She called last week to see if he was still available and I said yes. Mom called last night and asked so many questions then thanked me and said they would pass on buying him. This morning the daughter called and said they had changed their minds and still wanted him. He will be so much happier because he never did very well with the puppies or other male dogs. Now he is the only dog and will get all the attention, which is what he always liked.

August 19, 2011

231/365 Happy Socks...

Patty had these cute little socks on Parker today when I stopped by. I just think they are so adorable. I like my grandson too.

August 18, 2011

230/365 Thursday on the River...

The Looking Glass river runs right though the middle of DeWitt. We were out doing garage sales and stopped at a house that was right on the river. I never get tired of pictures of the river.

August 17, 2011

229/365 I'm Ready For My Close-Up...

Carman is my biggest ham. She so photogenic. She acts like she really doesn't like to have her picture taken. If the truth be known, she loves it.

August 16, 2011

228/365 Part Cat...

I have never seen a dog who likes to set on the window ledge and look out the window, the way Chloe does. She can set for hours watching birds. She is a chihuahua but she howls like a hound dog. It's too funny.

August 15, 2011

227/365 His Home away from Home...

What is it with babies and car seats? Every time we put him in one, he is out like a light. I think he's pretty special but he's my first. Patty said he had to have a hat today for his doctor's appointment so he would look like a gangster.

August 14, 2011

226/365 Homeless in Lansing

This lady was setting in front of the hospital waiting for a bus. She had so much stuff I don't know if they would let her on the bus. It's hard to believe in my hometown there are people who live on the street.

August 13, 2011

225/365 The Capital at Dusk

It was just dark enough tonight to get the capital in silhouette. The back light was just faint enough that it looked kind a cool.

August 12, 2011

224/365 Taking a Little Time For Me...

After the events of the week, and having the old Mustang to drive, it was nice to just drive with the top down. The sun was out and I had some running to do. Just taking a little me time. I took this after having ice cream at Dairy Queen.

August 11, 2011

223/365 Just Taking a Small Nap...

With his belly full, Parker decided that he should take a small nap. Mom was on the phone making a doctor's appointment for tomorrow. At 4:00pm, Patty and I got to take him home. Mother and son are doing just fine.

August 10, 2011

222/365 Great Grandma and Parker

This is Patty's grandma Casler. She's so pleased that he was born on her birthday. She told Patty at the family shower two weeks ago that it would be ok for him to be born on her birthday. Patty kept saying he should have his own day. Well, he had other plans. He was only 4 days over due.

August 9, 2011

221/365 Introducing My Grandson...Parker

Parker Matthew Casler born at 9:00am; August 9, 2011; 8 pounds; 20 inches long. He is my first grandchild. Thom has three with one on the way. But this is my first. He was also born on Patty's Grandma Casler's birthday. I think he is very handsome, but I guess I'm bias.

August 8, 2011

220/365 Yellow is my Sunflower...

We are having sunflowers shooting up all over, in some of the oddest places. They are all beautiful.

August 7, 2011

219/365 High In the Sky

I was driving around downtown Lansing today and I wondered what the Boji (old Michigan National Bank) building would look like from the ground looking straight up? All the photography books say that you should find a new point of view when looking at something that is common place. It is the tallest building in Lansing and most photos are taken from a distant. I just thought it might be interesting from this angle.

August 6, 2011

218/365 Chrystal Beauty

I love these chrystal bobs on my friend Betty's lamp. I thought they would turn out nice if I took them up close. I like how they shine in the sunlight.

August 5, 2011

217/365 Tara Either/Or

I couldn't make up my mind which one of these pictures I liked better. So I decided to post they both. The black and white is cool because of the light and dark contracts. The color one is just cute because it's Tara.

August 4, 2011

216/365 Chickens Everywhere

I don't understand why chickens cheep me out. I don't remember ever having a problem with one. I don't care for chicken to eat either. I personally think they are ugly but my friend Amy thinks they are cool. I am amazed at the many color chickens there are. I still don't like them.

August 3, 2011

215/365 Tara of a Different Size

Friends of ours wanted some pictures of their dog Tara. I had to laugh because this dog is five times bigger than our Tara. Sweet dog and a big baby who loves to have her picture taken.

August 2, 2011

214/365 Yellow Mum

Taking pictures of flowers has become a passion of mine. They bring such joy to so many people, so I don't mind. It seems like every time I walk through Farmer's Markets or even Walmart, I find flowers these days.

August 1, 2011

213/365 Best Place on Earth

We were visiting friends today and I seen these two in the middle of the lake. I would love to be doing this also. It was 92 again today.