
January 1, 2011 is the first day of a new year, and the second year I will try to attempt to post a photo every day for the next 365 days. It didn't work out so well last year. But as a New Years resolution, I have decided to try the 365 Day Photography challenge again.

July 31, 2010

212/365 Yellow VW

We were at the bookstore this afternoon and I seen this VW. I have always loved VWs and yellow is my favorite color for these cars. I do like the older bugs better, but this one will do just fine.

July 30, 2010

211/365 Check Engine Light

This is not a good light to have on in your car. While we were in New York, it came on. We checked the owner's manual and the only light we could find said something about the air bags.

We had a friend check it out and he said he couldn't find anything wrong with the Honda. We were told we could either go to a dealer and be charged a couple hundred to have him flip a switch or watch the gauges. One of our friends said his mother drove her car 300,00 miles with hers on. I think we should have it checked.

July 29, 2010

210/365 Yellow Black Eyed Susans

I found these in front of a gas station. It can be amazing what you find while just getting gas.

209/365 Golden Sunset

God made another beautiful sunset today. Gold is just a darker yellow...right?

July 26, 2010

207/365 God's Wonder...The Sunflower

There is something about the Sunflower that makes me marvel. My husband has bird feeders in the front yard. He feeds the birds, you guessed it. All of a sudden we have sunflowers in the oddest places poppy up.

Years ago, my sister and brother in law thought it would be a great idea to put all their cost crop into sunflowers, "they are so versatile and have so many uses". Well, they went back to growing corn and white beans the next year. I think they are beautiful. This is the start of the "yellow" theme week.

July 25, 2010

206/365 Patty's 27

Well, we got her out of the hospital on Friday and today is her birthday. We went to Applebee's. Just like the wonderful children they have always been, Andy and Patty got into a food fight minutes after this picture was taken. Andy will be 29 in September and she is 27, somethings never change.

July 24, 2010

205/365 Sunset

These may not be the best pictures I've ever taken but they are some of the prettiest. My husband and I were out with the dogs looking for deer when I seen how lovely the sky was. I could not believe it. Only God could make colors like this. I am amazed. Sorry about the phone wires, I don't know how to edit them out.

July 23, 2010

204/365 VBS at DCC

Josh and the group singing the silly songs.

Josh and Corwin playing switch the hat. Corwin is 14 months, what better way to keep him happy at VBS?
Playing in the bubbles.

We just got home from our mission trip to New York and the vacation bible school starts at our church. Even Miss Cindy, the pastor's wife likes to play in bubbles.

July 22, 2010

203/365 Dog Day Afternoon

This is what Carman does on a 90 degree afternoon. Our air conditioner is not working so we all are in misery during the heat wave. This is a standard position for a Chihuahua on a hot day. They only move when they have to.

July 21, 2010

202/365 Make a Wish...

201/365 Measuring Up...

How do you measure up to other photographers? When looking at other photographers' work, we all tend to have a little voice inside wondering if we could recreate that image or not.

I'm a beginner pretty much, so I am learning to look at the world in my own way. I'm still learning the basics, but I am "stealing" from other people who are much more advanced than me. I think my eye is developing, most of the time.

View other photographers work, but remember to embrace your own style.

July 20, 2010

200/365 U of M University Hospital

University Hospital, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan. This is where I spent most of the day today. It's only 90 miles one way down there.

My daughter started having problems with her gall bladder about this time last summer and had it out in November. She is still in a lot of pain, so her doctor sent her to a specialist at U of M. They put in two stents. She is still not able to keep anything down. Now she has an infected pancreases. They have her on some major drugs now.

July 18, 2010

199/365 Lion Fish

My husband and I went to the aquarium at Niagra Falls, New York a week ago while we were on our mission trip. I love this guy and I think he was posing for me. He's looking at me, looking at him. I am sure he has seen it all before.

July 17, 2010

198/365 Awesome God, Awesome Group...

This is the group we took to New York with us this year. We may have been small, but God used us in a mighty way. He blessed us and we can't thank Him enough. He watched over us going out and traveling back. I love them all.

July 16, 2010

197/365 The Falls at Night...

Most of us have been to the Falls before. We decided that it would be cool to go at night and take pictures. We were on the American side, so you can't see as well.

They are one of God's great creations. Just to think of the power of all that water, it is awesome.

196/365 What It's All About...

One of our kids went forward and accepted Christ tonight. Ashley, the one in the red, accepted Jesus Christ after prayer meeting tonight. We have been working on her for over a year. Tears all around. It's a good year.

July 14, 2010

195/365 Designing Buckets

One of the activities everyday is crafts. We are designing buckets.
The Tuscarora believe that their children need to be free spirits and create anyway they please. We give them a craft idea and they can do what they want with it.
We do this along with teaching a lesson and playing games. We are up to 30 kids today.

July 13, 2010

194/365 Smokin Joes

This is the Indian store on the reservation. This is what it's all about. These babies are four dollars apiece. You can buy cheap gas and cheap smokes. The main store has a grocery store, deli, an Indian museum and gift shops.

July 12, 2010

193/365 The Story of The Healing of Naaman

Sara and I are team teaching third and fourth graders. She was in costume as the slave girl who helped Naaman to be healed. We started with 20 children.

July 11, 2010

192/365 Calyn Looks How I Feel

It was a long drive on Saturday, but we made it. After church, we had to go to Walmart for supplies and Calyn was been silly. I don't think I could get my behind in one of those baskets.

191/365 Tuscarora Indian Mission

Thom and I are on a mission trip and I will update though out the week. This is the seventh year and fourth VBS that my husband and I have done at the mission in Ransonville New York. The mission is about 10 miles south east of Niagara Falls.

July 9, 2010

190/365 Sam's is No More

Sam's Kitchen is no more. It closed it's doors on July 1th. Another business bought them out. This is a place that Thom and I loved and will miss. We ate there most Sundays after church.

July 8, 2010

189/365 The Barn Door

I love this old barn door. It seems to have such character. It made me wonder what was in the barn and what has been in this barn in years past.

I really love barns. They take me back to my childhood visting my sister in my early teens. I would spent the summers with my sister and her family. I think it was my parents way of getting me out of the city.

July 7, 2010

188/365 Just Another Day at the Bird Feeder

This yellow finch and woodpecker are ok with each other being at the bird feeder at the same time in our front yard. There are some birds who will drive the other birds away just to be alone at the feeder.

July 6, 2010

187/365 The Fun Just Keeps On Going...

Yvonne, Liz, Patty and I got together tonight again. We are very blessed to have good friends like Yvonne and Liz.

July 5, 2010

186/365 Still Life Shell

Too hot to go outside so I thought I would work on finding something around the house to shot. I collect shells and I really like this one.

185/365 Happy 4th of July

This is Patty writing her name...some kids never grow up.

Angel or...you decide.
The view from Patty's front lawn. She is right across the street from the park where the city set them off.
We had sparks and pieces of cardboard raining down on us. It was kind of cool being so close, but what mess. It took an hour for the traffic to clear so I could go home.

July 3, 2010

184/365 Times Gone By

Saturday afternoon in down town DeWitt. I found this bike in front of 'Sweetie Pies'. This bake shop is famous for it's pies and has won many awards. I think the bike is cool too.

July 2, 2010

183/365 All Big and Bad...

I really like this motorcycle. It's all black, so it looks all big and bad. Makes me wonder what the person who rides it look like?

July 1, 2010

182/365 Yummy Rupe Tomatoes

Is there anything more beautiful than fresh vegetables? These tomatoes look so yummy. Summer is the nicest time of year.