
January 1, 2011 is the first day of a new year, and the second year I will try to attempt to post a photo every day for the next 365 days. It didn't work out so well last year. But as a New Years resolution, I have decided to try the 365 Day Photography challenge again.

May 30, 2010

150/365 At The End of a Busy Day

We had a busy family day. The kids were here and now as the sun is going down it seemed some how a quiet moment. For whatever reason this scene seemed right.

May 29, 2010

149/365 My Son and My Dog...

My son Andy and my dog Tucker sharing a lazy saturday afternoon. Life is good for all.

May 28, 2010

148/365 The Good Old Day...

We had lunch at Johnny Rocket's today. It's a little soda shop in Eastwood Town Center in Lansing. What a great little place full of wonderful memoirs. It's the only place in town where you can play old favorites from the 50's and 60's for a nickel.

May 27, 2010

147/365 The Dandelion

You have to admit, they are pretty. This one was growing next to our front steps before I mowed it down this morning. You can use them in salad and make wine. I guess they have a use. I think of them as a weed.

May 26, 2010

146/365 Beads

I don't know why, but I like the colors in these strands from beads. We were at Hobby Lobby and I seen these. My husband thinks I'm nuts.

May 25, 2010

145/365 MR SPIDER

I walked out of my front door this morning to let the dogs out, and he had built a giant web right to the left of the door. Running from the house down to the bushes. I will call him MR. SPIDER. He is HUGE. I really don't know why he freaks me out, but he does. This is one web that my husband will take down.

May 24, 2010

144/365 It's Me Again Margaret...

I like this picture of myself...weird I guess. I like my new camera too. Yes, I love Ray Stevens.

May 23, 2010

143/365 A Hidden Treasure

On one of our many rides, Thom and I came across this old truck in a barn. I am amazed at what is in old barns and what people will keep. I like to look in old barns. It's kind of like that show "American Pickers".

I believe someone with the right know how, can restore this truck. The person can once again make this truck into useful vehicle or a beautiful piece of art.

May 22, 2010

142/365 A Chihuahua Paw

One of my favorite subjects are my Chihuahuas. These are Carman's paws, straight up in the air as she is laying on her back. This is her favorite position. She is a long hair and I think her paws are pretty.

May 21, 2010

141/365 Yellow Motorcycle

We were coming out of Ryan's Roadhouse in St. Johns and I seen this bike. I just liked the color and I had to take a picture. I know the angle is a bit different, but it made you look.

May 20, 2010

140/365 '57 Pontiac

I guess I may have a theme going on and not realize it.
Thom and I have a friend in Hillsdale who restores 1955 through 1957 Pontiacs. This is one that he has restored...a Pink '57 hard top. What a beautiful car. I love this car.
Our friend John loves these cars and wants to keep as many around and restored as he can. He is an amazing man who loves these cars and ships parts for them all over the world.

May 19, 2010

139/365 A Mustang Dream

I have always loved Mustangs. This is a dream I have for someday. I would like a new red mustang. I have had two, a 1978 silver short body and a 1993 white rag top. If I ever get a full time job, Thom said I could buy a new one...

138/365 Landing at Sunset

I was on the way home and I stopped at a roadside park, by the airport when I saw a plane landing. I waited for less than two minutes and this plane went over head. I think this sunset and the color of the sky is beautiful. I couldn't resist taking this picture.

May 17, 2010

137/365 Asparagus

My husband and I have what we call "silly days". This is when we just go for a ride and wherever we end up, we end up. Today we ended up at Lansing's new City Market. They just built a new building and we hadn't been there. So we checked it out.

I love this picture of Asparagus. I think it came out very well. My husband loves this stuff, not me. It did make a nice photo.

May 16, 2010

136/365 My Favorite Toy of All...

Now a days, this is my favorite toy. This is my Martin guitar. I don't play as much as I would like, but I do pick it up a lot more when I am not working.

May 15, 2010

135/365 Mickey Mouse

I collect Mickey Mouse watches. But I love this little guy. I think the photo turned out good using only back lighting.

May 14, 2010

134/365 Lincoln Logs

Every kid had Lincoln logs. I would set for hours building all kinds of stuff. That was the "funnest".

May 13, 2010

133/365 Barbie

Yes, I admit I had Barbies when I was a child. It is every little girl's dream to be Barbie. We found these books at a garage sale and I think my huband is going to try to sell them on eBay.

May 12, 2010

132/365 The Bug

I love all kinds of toys that move. He and his little key are cute. This little guy brings back great memoirs.

May 11, 2010

131/365 Jack

My husband collects old toys. This one is going to our granddaughter, but for now I will use as a photo subject. I'm not sure if I like the background being washed out...o'well.

May 10, 2010

130/365 Labyrinth Game

On other photo blogs, I've seen where people do themes for the week or month so I thought I would try one also. My first one will be toys.
I remember playing this game as a kid. As I've gotten older, I find the game has not gotten any easier.

129/365 Mother's Day

There is something about tulips that remind me of Mother's Day. My kids buy tulips for me as I always did for my mother and grandmother when they were alive. I think these white ones are beautiful.

May 8, 2010

128/365 Is It a Toy?

We were on one of our garage sale trips, on our way to Howell Michigan for the day. We came across this county air field and seen this helicopter and I had to have a picture.

After I took the picture and I was back in the car, I realized that the small plane in the background looked like a toy. It's a full size plane but for some reason it looks much smaller than the helicopter. I guess it was a ways back from the helicopter. I just thought it looked cool.

127/365 Detroit Train Depot

My husband and I were in Detroit again today. We drove by the old depot. It may not look like much now but there are always people around taking pictures. It's sad that the windows have been broken out.

In it's day, we were told, all the trains that came into Michigan went through this depot. In the back of the building, there are doors where the trains came in and left. It is said that it looks like Grand Cental Station on the inside. You can't get in it now.

Our friend told us that the movie Spiderman III was filmed in the depot.

You can't see it in this picture, but in front of the top second row of windows it says, "Save the Depot". It's a cool old building that I think deserves to be saved.

May 6, 2010

126/365 A Barn in Spring

My husband and I were one our rides this morning and I seen this barn. I love barns anyway, but this one seems lifeless because the grass around it is not very green. The brush in the foreground is still brown. Nothing is really growing yet. The time is coming.

May 5, 2010

125/365 New Life

I have never really looked at the blooms of our maple trees. I never thought to look I guess. New life is beautiful.

May 4, 2010

124/365 A Simple Spider Web...

This is amazing to me. A simple spider's web and it is so very cool. It may be a little out of focus, but the detail this camera can give...WOW.

This was taken first thing this morning. I love the colors in the backgound also.

May 3, 2010

123/365 Sun Bathing...

Chihuahuas are known for being cold blooded. Carman and Cisco are always laying in the sun first thing in the morning.

122/365 The Arm of Joe Lewis...

We were in Detroit again today and drove by the arm of Joe Lewis. Our friend said the arm of the "Brown Bomber" has been painted a number of different colors over the years because some people don't think it's right to have a large black arm in downtown Detroit. I think it's kind of cool.

Our friend said the city, during the different sports playoffs, has a special jersey sleeve put on it in support of the different teams. Makes me wonder why there isn't a hockey jersey on it.
Manual: Page 29, "Shooting in the Auto Mode"

May 1, 2010

121/365 Golden Sunset

This is one of the prettiest sunsets I've ever seen. I love the gold over the pine trees in our back yard.

Manual: Page 39 "Using the Scene Mode: Sunset"