
January 1, 2011 is the first day of a new year, and the second year I will try to attempt to post a photo every day for the next 365 days. It didn't work out so well last year. But as a New Years resolution, I have decided to try the 365 Day Photography challenge again.

March 31, 2010

90/365 Out The Rear View Mirror...

I think Lansing has one of the nicest state capital domes. I am bias, I live here.

March 30, 2010

89/365 Hard Rubber Balls...

Aren't these small rubber balls cool. I love the colors. Seeing them up close, the color just pop.

March 29, 2010

88/365 Five Spoons

All the same, with one different. I like the pattern. My husband thinks I'm crazy.

March 27, 2010

86/365 Waiting Patiently...

It's not April, so these big guys are still waiting patiently. These guys are not going anywhere until at least April 15th. Not in Michigan anyway.

March 26, 2010

85/365 Banjos

I made another trip to Elderly Instruments in Lansing. I had to pick up some strings for a gently used classical guitar I just bought off Ebay. Banjos abound. I love this store.

March 25, 2010

84/365 Nylint Livestock Farms

This little toy truck, one of my husband's flea market finds, might be worth up to $2,000. if it were in mint condition. On Ebay as is, he can at least get three times his money in it's present condition. Not bad for a ten dollar investment.

March 24, 2010

83/365 And The Creek Keeps Araising...

This is the poor little river by our house. It floods ever year. As you can see, you can't get to the bench. The path is flooded on the left side.

We drove by a house last night and the drive way was flooded. Made us wonder how he got in his house.

We have water standing everywhere...including places it's not suppose to be.

March 23, 2010

82/365 USA

I agree with this homeowner. We should all be proud to display our pride in our county. Even though this is made with colored cups stuck in the front fence, they are making a positive statement. I am proud to call them a neighbor.

March 22, 2010

81/365 For the Working Man...

This is the relief on the side of the City of Lansing building downtown. I think it's kind of cool.

March 21, 2010

80/365 Night Shots

I was out last night, and I saw this arch on a building down the road from where we live. I like the colors and the way it seems to light up. I like night photographs and need to do more.

March 20, 2010

79/365 It's Not Over Yet

I said I thought the snow was not over. It's still March. We always seem to get one last snow fall before Easter, which is April 4th.

March 19, 2010

78/365 Double Decker Chihuahuas

Beebe and Carman doing what they do best...sleeping. Carman under the blanket and Beebe on top. This is one of the few times they were both asleep and I could take their picture.

If you want a dog that will "bury" themselves under your covers at night, this is your breed. Most of the time, they are at the very bottom of the bed. They are known as the smallest and also the "chilliest". They shake for no reason, even in the summer.

March 18, 2010

77/365 Spring Maybe Here...

One sure way to know that Spring is near, teenage girls playing on the monkey bars. These two girls from our youth group couldn't get enough of hanging up side down. One was even barefooted and wearing shorts. I can see a cold in her future.

It's still March. It has been known to snow one last time in April before it's all done. We will see.

March 17, 2010

76/365 Happy St. Patrick's Day

Am I way into food too much. Or is St. Patty's Day another one of those made up holidays as an excuse to over eat and drink? I am Irish, only a quarter, and I do love corn beef and cabbage. But the green food coloring in the beer makes me sick. Does this make me less Irish?

March 16, 2010

75/365 Being Silly...

When I said I thought I looked like a terrorist, a cousin had a fit and told me watch what I say. Some people need to take a chill pill.

March 15, 2010

74/365 Living in Michigan

The play ground is empty. This is life in Michigan. But spring is on it's way. It should be here soon. I took this picture last weekend.

Now the snow is gone after a week of weather in the 50s. The gound is muddy and soft. This is the time we call "the ugly time". It's not really winter and not really spring because it may still snow one more time.

Now with the snow melting, we have to worry about the rivers overflowing.

March 14, 2010

73/365 Cup Cakes...

Sounds like Homer Simpson...

With Thom's birthday being today, don't these cup cakes look wonderful? Maybe just one. We both could lose a few pounds. While Thom was in the hospital last month, he lose 22 pounds. We are both trying not to misbehave. But they look so good.

March 13, 2010

72/365 Collections...

I do collect Chihuahuas both alive and stuffed. I think these little guys are almost as much fun as the real ones. One thing for sure, you don't need to clean up after them.

March 12, 2010

71/365 Winter Monster...

I remember as a kid, seeing trees like this in the winter and thinking they were monsters. They look all big and bad and scary looking from this angle. I was a little kid.

If I laid on the ground and looked up they looked like monsters and I got freaked out. I guess I was an odd child.

March 11, 2010

70/365 Blue Together...

I like the pattern of these water bottles altogether.

March 10, 2010

69/365 Color Play

Yes, these are t-shirts hung in a row, but I liked the colors together. I like the way they go from dark to light and then green. Sometimes I see things that I find interesting. Please call me weird.

March 9, 2010

68/365 Long, Narrow Line...

There is just something about railroad tracks and trains that takes me back to my childhood. I take comfort in knowing they will always be there, going somewhere. I lived by train tracks when I was a kid and some ran across the street from where my grandparents lived.

It seems to be a source of power and strength somehow for me when I feel powerless and out of control. I also like the repetition and the strong lines.

March 8, 2010

67/365 By His Stripes...

This is the front of a t-shirt I own. I don't need to say anything more.

March 7, 2010

66/365 Too Close...

An Elk, even one stuffed are too big for comfort for me. I didn't realize just how big they are, and this is just the head. Although they do look kind of goofy.

March 6, 2010

65/365 Chihuahuas in Winter...

As Christians, we believe that Christ walked on water, no question. But it cracks me up that Cisco can walk on snow. He is the heaviest of the four and the snow can still support his weight. I know I can't walk on it.

March 5, 2010

64/365 The Queen City...

This old firetruck is in front of the insurance company where I worked for 20+ years. It was the horse drawn, hook and ladder for the town of Traverse City Michigan in the early 1900's. The company bought it, restored it, and put it in a glass case in the 1930's as a symbol for the company.

There was a crack in one of the glass panels in the 1980's and moisture started eating at the hoses and the paint. The cost was in the thousands to restore it a second time.

Any visitor to Lansing can tell you where the firetruck in the glass case is at. It's a local landmark.

The case is now climatic controlled and the humidly is maintained to help so the firetruck will not deteriorate.

March 4, 2010

63/365 Odd Indeed...

This water tower is indeed on it's side. I'm sure they took it down because it's on the sight of one of the old GM buildings in Lansing.

Because of the economy, many Lansing workers no longer have jobs or work in the area. It is a sign of the times. Michigan is hurting. I also don't have a full time job because of the economy.

March 3, 2010

62/365 All Is Well...

With all four dogs and my husband asleep, life is calm and good. If he knew I took this picture, he would have a fit. I am happy to have some calm in my life right now.

March 2, 2010

61/365 Stain Glass

One of the buildings in downtown Lansing has an arch between two office buildings that has a stain glass walkway. I think it's pretty the way the light plays at different times of the day.

March 1, 2010

60/365 Me

I thought it might be time for a picture of me.

Kind of a sad day for me. We have lost all 4 of our puppies. Mom may be too small to carry them full term. It may not be a good idea for Beebe to have pups. Their lungs were not fully developed. I do praise God that we did not lose her.