
January 1, 2011 is the first day of a new year, and the second year I will try to attempt to post a photo every day for the next 365 days. It didn't work out so well last year. But as a New Years resolution, I have decided to try the 365 Day Photography challenge again.

September 30, 2011

273/365 Sunflower in Black and White

I was playing around with my Photoshop Elements and I liked the way this sunflower turned out. I know, it doesn't take much.

September 29, 2011

272/365 Burned out Lansing...

It really upsets me to see this. I grow up in Lansing and I don't like to think of my town run down. This house is not being lived in and the city will leave it rather tear it down.

September 28, 2011

271/365 Parker...Asleep

With Patty now back to work, we get to babysit Parker on Wednesdays. He is a very popular guy. Patty has so many other people who want to watch him, he's with a different person every day. I guess Thom and I ware him out because this is what he did most of the day.

September 27, 2011

270/365 The Court House

This is the court house of Clinton county in St. Johns. They just built a new one about 10 years ago. I like it.

September 26, 2011

269/365 Uncle Andy

This is all new for my son but he's doing good and getting use to Parker. He hasn't tried to take care of him by himself...that will come. I am proud of him for trying.

September 25, 2011

268/365 Coming Forward...

One of the rewards with working with kids, is to have one finally get it and make a decision for Christ. Neva is one of our kids from Vacation Bible School this summer. We are very proud.

September 24, 2011

267/365 Turkeyville Michigan

About 10 miles north of Marshall Michigan, is a little tourist attraction called Turkeyville. As you can guess, all that's on the menu is turkey. It has a dinner club and live shows. On this day, they were having a flea market. Across the street was this canon in some body's yard. I thought it was kind a cool.

September 23, 2011

266/365 The Lone Ranger

Thom and I were out and about today and came across a garage sale that was mostly toys. As I was walking around looking, I seen this lunch box. Growing up in the 1960's, I watched a lot of Lone Ranger reruns. It brought back great memoirs.

September 22, 2011

265/365 The Heron

I had to use the zoom on my camera to get this picture of this heron. I liked the background and him. It's a little blurring, but you can tell it's a bird anyway. We have a lot of swamps and marsh land around us, so this guy is right at home.

September 21, 2011

264/365 A Cow of a Different...Color?

On one of our nightly rides looking for deer, we spotted this herd of cows. Neither one of us had ever seen any marked like this. We don't know what kind they are, but they are odd, and very photogenic. Thom's nickname is Mr Moo so he mooed at this cow and it started walking towards the fence. It was possibly thinking, "funny looking cow."

September 20, 2011

263/365 The Neighbor's Horse

One of our neighbors has a horse farm. I love to drive by and watch them feed. I think they are such beautiful animals. They seem so carefree.

September 19, 2011

262/365 A Number One Dad

Thom and I were at the Speedway gas station tonight and seen this dad and his little girl. What other dad would let his little girl go into a gas station wearing her mother's high heels? We thought this was the coolest thing.

September 18, 2011

261/365 New Jacket for Parker

It's been a little chilly this week and nobody thought to buy a coat for the little guy. Well he has one now.

September 17, 2011

260/365 Chloe...Behaving

Chloe can be a handful but she is a good dog, for me. I can get her to come to me but she runs away from everybody else including Thom. Which makes him very mad. I love her anyway.

September 16, 2011

259/365 My Husband

I love this man so much. His face has such character and yes he is a character. I just think he's awesome.

September 15, 2011

258/365 Beautiful, beautiful Carman

Yea, she is beautiful and the more photogenic of all my dogs but should she be published? I made the mistake of entering a photo contest for pets and now they want me to publish her picture. Of course, they will sell you the book she will be in. What a racket.

September 14, 2011

257/365 Close Up of Tara

I love this little dog. She is our best behaved of the three. We took a day trip last weekend to Indiana and had a friend watch the pups for us. Ocho wanted to bite everybody who came near him and Chloe had to be chased to catch her. Tara was the perfect lady she is.

September 13, 2011

256/365 I Never Get Tired of This Face

Parker is starting to look so much like his mother everyday. Patty has my nose so guess who else has my nose... I love these chubby cheeks. He's five weeks old.

September 12, 2011

255/365 The Changing of the Season

Time to put away the sandals and start wearing the boots again. All week it's going to be in the 60's. I welcome fall. I can start wearing sweaters, jeans and jackets. I can always warm up in the winter but I can't seem to do enough to be cool enough in the summer and in the 90's.

September 11, 2011

254/365 The Eyes of a Child

On this 9/11, the ten anniversary of the attacks, there is beauty in this child's eyes. He's only two and will not remember first hand what it felt like on that awful day. I pray we never forget what happened. I pray I can tell my grandson Parker, and give him the hope for a better future through knowing Jesus.

September 10, 2011

253/365 Seeing Old Friends Again...Priceless

Thom and I traveled to North Manchester Indiana so he could see some old friends from 15 years ago. Becky and Tish are Thom's sons age. It was a nice trip down. It was only 350 miles round trip in and out of the rain. Carman and Beebe also got to go bye, bye.

September 9, 2011

252/365 Smokin' Bones

My husband took me to dinner tonight. I love this place...Smokin' Bones. They have the best ribs in town. It reminds me of Cheers, where everybody knows your name.

September 8, 2011

251/365 The Shoes...

These shoes crack me up. They are my grandson's and they're a size 0. They are still too big for him. Maybe someday they will fit.

September 7, 2011

250/365 Our New Granddaughter...Fiona Ellen

She is our second granddaughter and she is a week younger than Parker. She was born August 24. We are very proud of her.

September 6, 2011

249/365 Another picture of Parker...

On Uncle Andy's birthday. I'm a big dummy because I didn't take a picture of Andy only Parker. Patty, Parker and I took Andy to Olive Garden for lunch. Parker basically slept through lunch. He is such a good guy.

September 5, 2011

248/365 Work It Out, Chloe...

Every morning after breakfast, I run for 30 minutes. Well, Chloe wanted to get in on the act. I thought it was funny until I couldn't get her off it this morning. She finally did stay off it, so I could use it. Happy Labor Day.

September 4, 2011

247/365 Only My Grandson Parker...

He was so tired from the family reunion yesterday, he slept most of the day. We stopped by and Patty said this is what he's done. I think he will be able to sleep anywhere, anyway and anytime.

September 3, 2011

246/365 The Clark Reunion

Thom's family reunion was today. It is amazing how many there are of us. Also, we had five new babies just this summer. It's a fun family and I love them all.

September 2, 2011

245/365 How Things Have Changed...

We are now down to five chihuahuas. We were able to re-home Cisco and Tucker this last two weeks. I am not sure if I like the decision, but it was made. We now have four females and one male...Ocho. This is Beebe and Ocho playing tag of war.

September 1, 2011

244/365 Great Way to Cool Off...

With temps back in the mid 90's today, this foundation looks so inviting. You can almost feel the water spraying on your face.