
January 1, 2011 is the first day of a new year, and the second year I will try to attempt to post a photo every day for the next 365 days. It didn't work out so well last year. But as a New Years resolution, I have decided to try the 365 Day Photography challenge again.

July 31, 2011

212/365 Good Bye Rob and Angie

These guys are like family and they will be missed. They've moved to Utah. Best of luck guys.

July 30, 2011

211/365 Masters of Ceremony

I am so proud that Thom did such a good job at our churches' 35th anniversary. He adlibbed his way through the program. I think they will ask him to do this again in the future. That's my man.

July 29, 2011

210/365 The Holly Hocks are Back

Last year we had Holly Hocks in just two spots in our yard. Now I have them by the steps of the deck and in the front ditch. They seem to come up everywhere. And we only have two colors...yellow and pink.

July 28, 2011

209/365 The Dance of The Butterfly

These butterflies were playing around on the driveway this afternoon, I just thought it was kind of cool watching them. I never realized how hard it is to photograph butterflies. They never set still long enough to get a shot.

July 27, 2011

208/365 Back in the Day

...when the chrome was thick and women were straight. Oldsmobiles were king. At least here in Lansing. It just about killed our town when General Motors stopped making them. That was the job to have. Everybody knew someone who worked at Oldsmobile. It was the only car my father would drive for years.

July 26, 2011

207/365 Orange...Yea Baby

I love old muscle cars. This car is very cool. I'm not sure what it was but I know one thing...my daughter would love it. It's orange, enough said.

July 25, 2011

206/365 A Little Walk Down Memory Lane

Today is my daughter's 28th birthday and I just found this picture of She and Andy when they were two and four...Patty is younger. I like to walk down memory lane once in a while. My babies were cute kid.

July 24, 2011

205/365 Baby Parker...

I am getting very excited about Parker getting here. Patty really doesn't want him born tomorrow because it's her birthday and she wants him to have his own day. I just wish he were born so she can get her pain issues under control. What a difference a year makes.

July 23, 2011

204/365 Pastor Joe Singing in the Rain...

We do many silly songs at VBS to get the kids to relax and be silly with them. Pastor Joe was "Singing in the Rain" with us and I had to take his picture. He was so funny. I love this guy. We are so blessed to have he and his wife Linda as our friends and shepherds.

July 22, 2011

203/365 The End of The Week of VBS

RJ, Amy and Meme showing off their prizes at the end of VBS. We give the kids points for being there, bringing their bibles, knowing their bible verses and bringing a friend. On Friday, we sat up tables and the kids can pick out any thing on the tables if they have enough tickets to "buy" the item. We also had a pizza and ice cream party.

July 21, 2011

202/365 So Many Sunglass, So Little Money...

Every little girl wants to be a princess.

I really don't mind looking silly sometimes. We were at Party City in Frandor and there was a rack of goofy sunglasses and I couldn't resist. I had to try them all on. Thom just walked away. I would never buy any of them but they are fun.

July 20, 2011

201/365 Kaylee

This is another one of our kids who attended VBS this week. On Monday, as a craft we made picture frames. Kaylee didn't come until today, so I took her picture while she was making her frame. Sweet girl. She really does smile most of the time.

July 19, 2011

200/365 Vacation Bible School 2011

We had a wonderful start to VBS yesterday. We had 5 kids who attended. It's a start. This is the first year our new church has put on a VBS so the turn out was good. This is Travon, he's one of the neighborhood kids who came down.

July 18, 2011

199/365 Jack in the Box

I love children's toys. I seen this at my daughter's today and I had to take a picture. I love the colors.

July 17, 2011

198/365 Five Generations

We had Patty's second baby shower today. I am very proud of my daughter. In this picture is Patty's Grand grandma Placer, Patty and Parker, Aunt Louise, Grandma Casler and me (standing in for Patty's dad). I took lots of other pictures today. This is my favorite. Grandma Placer was 96 on Wednesday July 13.

July 16, 2011

197/365 Baby Blocks

I found these baby blocks at a sale and thought it would be fitting to honor my soon to be born grandson. He should be born on August 5th, but his mother thinks he will be early. She has had a lot of medical problems the last two years, so for her sake, I hope he does.

July 15, 2011

196/365 Good Morning...

This is Tara being Tara. I was on my way up from the basement and this is the first thing I see. I think it's a nice welcome. They are all getting so big. Tara and Chloe are almost six months old and Ocho is five.

July 14, 2011

195/365 At the End of a Busy Day...

They say there is never rest for the weary, I think they're right. We seem to going non stop right now because we are finishing the last minutes tasks for Vacation Bible School at church starting next week. We are attending a new church who have never done a VBS so we are in the middle of training. We are putting it all in God's hands. By the way, that was Thom's bottle not mine.

July 13, 2011

194/365 Cool Green Truck

I think this lime green truck is very cool. I found it out side a repair shop. I guess it stands to reason that the guy would have the skill to have such a cool truck. It's just me.

July 12, 2011

193/365 My New Summer Do

Every once in a while I need to post a picture of me, I guess. I'm not sure how to connect the color but it's ok. So when I get my hair cut, I think I need to take pictures of myself.

July 11, 2011

192/365 God's Golden Sunset

What a beautiful sunset...amazing. I couldn't believe how lovely it was. Thank you God.

July 10, 2011

191/365 MeMe

We had a cook out after church today and MeMe wanted to show me her blue tongue. We had hot dogs and blue punch. I love little kids.

July 9, 2011

190/365 A Lily of A Different Color...

It is so much fun to find flowers that are different color than what you are use to seeing. This one is white with an orange center. I still don't understand why so many people seem to go crazy about flowers.

July 8, 2011

189/365 Good Bye Red...

Thom's little buddy Red (can't remember his real name) is going back home to Atlanta Sunday after spending a month here with his Dad and Grandma. They got to be real good buddies. We had a going away lunch for him at McDonald's. Grandma Chris is a member of our church. I doubt Red will forget Mr. Moo (Thom) for awhile.

July 7, 2011

188/365 Mystery Flower

We were setting on the steps of the church this evening and I noticed these mystery flowers in the yard. No one in the group seemed to know what they were. I will have to check around.

July 6, 2011

187/365 A Mobile

It's been one of those days where I can't seem to catch up with myself because I have so much on my mind. We had friends stop in today and we got involved with a project in the house. Then we were out and about and had to stop at another friends. This second friend had this mobile hanging in her bedroom and I knew I hadn't taken a picture today so...

July 5, 2011

186/365 A Flower of Another Color...

I'm not sure if these are Tiger Lilies, but I like them. I found them in a neighbor's yard.

July 4, 2011

185/365 Happy 4th of July

I pray that everyone had a happy 4th, I did. Thom and I had a quite day and then went to Patty's for fireworks. To top the evening off, we happened to meet friends along the way.

July 3, 2011

184/365 Blue Fairlane

I love summer only because all the major cool cars come out to play. This one is fur sail, yes I spelled it the way the owner spelled it. It is only a mare $18,500., down from $23,500. Who ever owns this car is summer dreaming. With the economy down, he'll be lucky to get $12,000. I wish him luck. It's a cool car, but not that cool.

July 2, 2011

183/365 Ah...1965 Mustang

With the temperature in the low 90s, this car looked so cool just setting the sun. It had Ohio plates. I knew I hadn't seen it around town before. It is a work of art. I love this car.

July 1, 2011

182/365 One Ugly Duck

We were on our way home from the store today and we came across something walking on the side of the road that from a distance looked like it might be a skunk. The chest is white. As we got closer we could see it was a duck only because of the web feet. It didn't look like any duck either of us had ever seen. Let's just say he didn't get any better looking the closer we got to him. A truck came by and he didn't fly away, just kept walking down the side of the road. What a guy.